Saturday, May 14, 2011

A room with a view....

So... my office got a bit of a make-over last week. It is a fairly small office and was a bit like walking into a closet. Anyway, we requested a window for it on our capital outlay requests. Surprise, surprise... it was approved! I figured it would happen during the summer, but on Tuesday they came, cut it out, and put it in. They framed the outside, but they still need to finish the inside of it in my office. It's been so funny to see people do double and triple takes when they walk by.  Of course, the downside is that now I have to keep my office clean, because I don't have any blinds or curtains for it! LOL! I took a few pictures to commemorate this grand (haha) occasion. (If I'd known they were coming I would have taken before and after pictures.) 

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