Tuesday, December 21, 2010

And so it goes...

Today signaled the end of an era in my life... sounds ominous, right? Not really, but it is momentous for me. I can honestly say that I never thought I would be a principal in any stretch of my imagination. And yet today was my final day as simply a teacher. When I return to school in January I will be a principal. Fortunately, I will still be able to be in the classroom, so it won't be a complete change of scene. Today I found out who my "team" teacher will be  - which is a relief. At least now I know that I will be able to start the new year without having to be a full-time teacher as well as a part-time principal.
Today, we also said a big thank you to the current principal who will now be full-time at the high school. I think that he was touched by the thank you that the students created for him. I hope that he knows he will be missed at the elementary school, not only by the students, but the faculty and staff as well. It hasn't been easy for him to try and be the principal of two schools, especially in the current educational climate. I admire him for even trying. Reality is setting in. I only hope that I can do justice to the job and all those who are counting on me.

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